Fine Art America
I am unsure on who this artist is, as it just came across it during my research into 'digital artists', and this piece links in brilliantly to the backgrounds of the mould like substance and also the actual mould that features within my folder that came from the cup of coffee that I left to decay over about a week.
Mihail Miho Korubin
I felt that this piece above by Mihail linked in extremely well with the emotional side to my project, linking in with family memories etc, as the colourful finger tips that cover the eyes, links in with dreams and memories, as if when the eyes are covered the individual is thinking about all of their memories. This links in with the Shakespeare poem, as this is also the emotional side to my project, as it explains memories and stages within someones life, again linking to the life cycle of decay. It also links in with the oil painting technique that I have produced within my final piece and in my folder.
Photoshop Artists
This artist links in with my sillohette pieces that I have produced within my folder of the side profile of my pictures. The technique also links in with Jasper James double exposure work.
Emiliano Ponzi
This skull piece by this artist links in with the secondary skull image that I used within my deacy trails within photoshop.
Mocchi Mocchi
This poppy piece by Mocchi Mocchi links in with my flower photography, as there are poppies within my flower photography and my final piece, showing a clear link within my research and final piece.
Laura Varksy
Now this artist links in extremely well in terms of the theme of decay and multiple images, as it links to the flower experimentational work that I produced when I was taking the images of decaying flowers. This piece can either work in one or two ways, as you could see it from a flower that hasn't opened and then it takes its journey to develop and open or you could reverse it and see the flower as already open and then it starts to close and decay, which is how I interpret it, as it links in well with my photography decay work.
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